digital files

One of the most important aspects of organizing your digital files is to keep them organized. You are less productive if you have to search for documents or click unnecessary links to get to a folder. You’re wasting valuable time that could be used to accomplish your goals.

CZUR’s Professional Document Scanner is helpful to organize your electronic files and transform your workplace into a digitally sound one. This scanner can scan documents of all sizes, and they can be stored in an organized way on your laptop or desktop.

It is not a good idea to waste time looking for files that are important. It should take you five seconds to locate a file, not five.


Make A Plan To Organize Digital Files

Before you begin organizing your digital files, make a list of everything you have and imagine what a well-organized file system would look like. The top-level folder can be considered a drawer in your file cabinet. One drawer might be for work, and one for your household. The other could be for side projects. 

You might also want to know where you keep individual files so that you can quickly find them. Before you start moving files around or renaming folders, don’t hesitate to use a pen or paper.


Do Not Save Files On Your Desktop

Your desktop should be clean, and it should display any high-resolution wallpapers you have. It should hold your trash/recycle container, and that’s it.

If you are referring to the file frequently and don’t have to file it yet, it might be a good idea to keep a few files on your desktop.

The idea of keeping a clean desktop helps much in organizing digital files in a proper way.


Limit Folder Creation

Think less when creating folders. If you have done a good job mapping out your hierarchy, most files will fit in there.

If you are constantly coming back to the same folder to save the same types of digital files, then it is the right time to create a new folder. It will be easier to know when it’s time to add another layer to the hierarchy than to create a multi-layered tree that is too large before you actually need it.

CZUR’s Best Book Scanner helps you scan books and save them in electronic formats and in an organized way. It can scan 300 pages of a book in ten minutes.


All Documents in One Place

All documents should be placed under one “root” folder. The default location for a Windows user is the My Documents directory.

Do the same in a file-sharing environment. For example, create a single root folder called “Shared Documents” and keep all documents within that root folder. It is easier to locate digital files and run backups.


Create Folders Logically

These folders are your computer’s filing cabinets. Name your folders in plain language. You don’t want anyone to look at the list of folders and wonder what “PFT” or any other abbreviations you have created.


Invest In File Arrangement Software

File organizing software is a great option if you don’t want to organize your digital files manually. File organizing software automatically applies tags to file types and groups them in a nesting system. This software will help you to adhere to organizational and naming conventions with minimal manual effort.

To unlock the potential of your device’s capabilities and maximize productivity, you must stay organized. File arrangement software helps you keep your files organized, no matter if you are working remotely or at home.


Archive And Delete First

It’s a good idea to save everything, especially tax-related documents. If you have duplicate digital files or documents that you won’t use again, you should delete them. To save time and avoid wasting time organizing files, delete them before you begin filing. If you are unsure whether to keep them, you can keep them.


In Your File Names, Include Keywords

If you are going to name or rename your files, be sure to include keywords for the search. Think about what you (or anyone else who may need to access your files) would search to find that file.


Use Sub-Folders to Save Time on Searching

Each project would have subfolders that correspond to the logical units of an organization like the type and number of work you do, who your stakeholders are, or to whom you report to. 

You would place digital files of your finished projects in /archive after they are done. If you are an online marketer and work for clients from different industries, then you can name the folder according to their industry, products etc.


Folder Templates

You may find certain folders or subfolders you often use when you begin to analyze how you organize files and folders. This holds true, especially for financial documents, client work and project work.

Pre-creating a folder template that has the structure you desire can be extremely helpful. You can simply copy the folder template every time you start a new financial period or onboard a client.


Organize Images

You can organize your images by year, event or project. Although it might be beneficial to keep your images in the same digital file system, you don’t need to. Consider creating folders for every event type if your company attends many events. If an event is annual, you can easily see the images from previous years in one place.


Designate A Person To Keep Files Organized

While you might be an expert at organizing digital files and others may not, it is important to not stress. To move files that are not in their correct place, schedule a recurring file maintenance appointment. Designate someone in your team to be the person who answers all questions about file organization. Encourage people to ask questions first rather than saving the wrong thing.


The Bottom Line

To ensure that your organization is functioning properly, check in with your team and make necessary adjustments. It is vital in all workplaces to keep your files or folders organized so that you can benefit more from them and save time for other important things. 


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