More than a decade ago in 2009, Ryan Dahl, the original developer of Node.js, introduced the initial version of Node.Js and compelled people in the web developing industry to explore the reasons to learn Node.Js.
Earlier, web developers were unaware that JavaScript based Node.js could be so powerful and could also be used to create programming code for backend applications.
B2B Campus is the famous institute for Node.Js Training in Chandigarh. You learn here sitting with experienced developers working on live projects.
Today, Node.Js is receiving many positive responses, and many companies have changed their technology platform in the direction of Node.Js, including Paypal, LinkedIn, Uber, Yahoo, Medium, GoDaddy, Groupon Walmart.
Although the names of these tech giants in this post are impressive, this isn’t sufficient reasons to learn Node.Js.
What are JavaScript and Node.Js?
JavaScript is the largest and most popular programming language that is used by numerous large and small businesses to develop applications and websites. It is an on-demand development tool that is being used in 85% of websites over the Internet.
Before 2009, JavaScript was used only for front-end development and used in conjunction with various server-side languages.
On the other hand, Node.Js is the most popular technology around the globe. It’s the ideal technique to open the door to incredible career opportunities for anyone looking to drive a career in web development.
Of course, each programming language has the benefit of using it, but what makes Node.Js distinct from others?
It has received lots of attention from developers. What are some fantastic features, and why are many companies using it to create various applications? Let’s look at some of the reasons to learn Node.Js in the year 2022.
Great Career Aspect
Let us start by saying that Node.Js has a great career aspect in the web development industry today. The majority of websites are JavaScript-based, so knowing reasons to learn Node.Js is vital to your career growth.
Client As Well As A Server-Side Language
Node.Js has undoubtedly changed anyone’s perception of JavaScript. In the past, it was a programming language written for clients with the help of PHP and Java; it’s now a language that can be used in any application.
This is beneficial as it allows both back-end and front-end teams to be more efficient in their work. Node.js is an excellent starting point for full-stack development. In short, it’s an add-on to JavaScript that instantly extends the possibilities you can achieve using JavaScript.
Create Powerful And Complex Applications Without Writing Complicated Code
These are the vital reasons to learn Node.Js. This language has an asynchronous-driven structure and supports and runs on the V8 JavaScript engine. V8 is among the most efficient implementations of JavaScript that powers the majority of Google’s prevalent in-browser applications (like Gmail).
Node.js is extremely powerful due to the fact that it utilizes an asynchronous approach to handle data between the server and client. To understand what this is, you should compare it to the traditional application server model, which uses blocking I/O.
Real-Time Applications
The development of a real-time application can be complex because it is run on a large scale of users. In addition, real-time communication between the client and server requires quick and constant I/O.
Node.Js is the best choice for these types of applications. The synchronization process using Node.Js is swift and efficient since events drive the architecture both client-side as well as server-side.
The event loop in the web socket takes care of the multi user functionality. It is implemented with TCP and prevents HTTP overload. NodeJS makes RTA light, scalable, maintainable and suitable from a development perspective.
Scroll down to know more reasons to learn Node.Js.
Low Learning Curve
Whichever language you’re using to create your back-end software, you’ll require JavaScript to run the front-end. Therefore, instead of learning a server-side language, such as Php, Java or Ruby on Rails and so on, you can devote all your time to studying JS and becoming proficient in the language.
The same language, JavaScript, is a language that can be used with both server and client-side. Therefore, a developer who is familiar with JS can be a full-stack developer and not have to learn any additional languages. The back-end and front-end are also more straightforward to keep on track due to the use of a single language for both. Low learning curve is the most important reasons to learn Node.Js.
The Right Platform For Building Microservices
One of the major reasons to learn Node.Js is its lightweight and scalability. In essence, microservice architectures break the application into separate and distinct services.
As a result, it is easier to maintain and update the structure since the services are not tied together, and you can create or alter the existing structure without having to work with other components of the application.
NodeJS can be used to design structures like this with the help of Node modules that represent the elements that comprise NodeJS functions.
Web Development Is Not Only Among The Reasons To Learn Node.Js
Node.js is highly flexible. However, it’s essential to realize that its flexibility means that it can serve various uses. The library’s users are mainly developing web-based applications, but it’s also an excellent tool for people working in operations or infrastructure.
This is because Node.js is an excellent tool for creating other tools for development. If you’re a person who works with developers in a group or manages a system of distributed software, Node.js can help you to create your own tools for support.
Node.js is a blessing for programmers who write software and play a significant part in the tech stack. It is the initial and most popular choice for building interactivity games, chat collaborative software tools, instant messaging, and many more. In addition, Node.Js is a massive community of online support. It allows users to build cross-platform apps. This list of reasons to learn Node.Js demonstrates that this is present and future of web development.