
We all spend way too much time at our desks and laptops. If you’re reading this, chances are that you do too. And if you’re not paying attention to the ergonomics of your workspace, it can lead to serious problems later on in life. So, let’s start with a few simple steps that we can do today to make sure our eyes and bodies stay healthy for years to come!

  1. Start with your chair
  • Start with your chair
  • Sit up straight in your chair, and keep your back, neck, and shoulders straight. Your feet should be flat on the floor. If you don’t have a footrest on the front of your chair, try putting another pillow behind you for support.
  • Make sure your chair is the right height for you. You should be able to rest both feet comfortably on the ground while sitting at a desk or table (but not slouching). If you’re using an adjustable-height desk or table, make sure it’s high enough so that when you are seated with both feet resting flatly upon it there is no need to crane forward to use a keyboard or mouse as this will cause muscle strain over time which may lead towards headaches or back pain later in life!

If unsure about how tall/low etcetera then ask someone who knows! This can usually be done easily by asking around friends / family members 🙂

  1. Adjust your screen

If you are using your laptop as a desk top computer, then the screen should be at eye level. This may mean adjusting your chair so that it is at the right height for use with your keyboard and mouse. A laptop stand or tray can help with this, but does not prevent you from having to make any physical adjustments to yourself or your furniture in order for everything to work properly.

To make sure that you have an ergonomically correct posture when using a laptop, it’s important that your screen is angled downwards so that it doesn’t feel like looking up at what’s on the monitor all day long (which will strain neck muscles). It’s also important that there’s enough space between yourself and the desk surface where you’re sitting—this will prevent injury over time by not putting undue pressure on various parts of the body during extended periods of sitting still in one position (like typing!).

  1. Improve your lighting

If you’re going to be working with your laptop, you want to make sure that the lighting is just right. Here are some tips for making sure that your lighting is optimized:

  • Don’t use a light that’s too bright or too dim. If it’s too bright, it will wash out your screen and make it hard to read. If it’s not bright enough, then you’ll strain yourself trying to see what’s on the screen.
  • Don’t use a harsh light (like one from an overhead fluorescent bulb). You don’t want glare from the light reflecting off of the screen and into your eyes; instead, try looking at an angle so that only one side of your face has access to direct sunlight or lamp light (just like when driving).
  • Avoid blue lights because they can keep people awake longer than yellow ones do—but if you’re tempted by them anyway then try sleeping with amber colored glasses over top of those cool new sunglasses so as not to mess up any circadian rhythm patterns.”
  1. Change the color of your screen
  • Change the Color of Your Screen

You can change the color of your screen by using an app called f.lux. It will make it warmer or cooler, redder or bluer, and more green, yellow or cyan depending on how you want to use it. If you have bad eyesight and like looking at bright colors then this is also a good way to adjust them as well as make them appear brighter so that they are easier for us to see!

These steps will improve your posture and eye strain

  • Get a good ergonomic chair
  • Use an ergonomically-designed monitor stand or wall mount, or an arm which attaches to the back of your laptop
  • Adjust your desk so that your eye level is between 28 and 32 inches from the floor (you can find this measurement by using a tape measure)
  • If you’re working on a laptop, place it on top of something like a couch cushion to raise the screen height up to where you need it


No matter if you work from home or an office, these tips will help with your posture and eye strain.



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