CT angiography test

All you need to know about the CT angiography test.

After the worldwide pandemic, people are starting to become more conscious about their health. With the rise to any sudden abnormality in the body, and if it persists, it is highly recommended for a doctor’s visit. If a doctor suggests you a CT scan, you mustn’t delay.

All you need to know about CT angiography test in Delhi:

What is computed tomography angiography?

CT angiography is a kind of medical test that combines a CT scan with an injection of a special contrast dye to create images of blood vessels and tissues in a part of your body. The dye is injected through an intravenous (IV) line that begins in your arm or hand.

Computed tomography, or CT scan, is a type of X-ray that a computer uses to visualize the cross-section of your body. The dye that is injected to perform CT angiography is called a contrast agent because it “illuminates” the blood vessels and tissues studied. 

CT coronary angiogram cost may differ at various diagnostic centers. The most reasonable place is Star Imaging Diagnostic Center. Contact to get your CT angiography test now.

Why do you need computed tomography angiography or CT angiography test?

You may need this medical test if you have an abnormality involving blood vessels in the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, or other parts of the body. Healthcare providers can use the information in this test to learn more about your condition and decide on the best treatment. Some reasons for performing a CT angiogram are:

  • To find an aneurysm (a blood vessel that is enlarged and may be at risk of rupture)
  • Find blood fats that have narrowed due to atherosclerosis (a fatty material that forms plaques on the walls of arteries)
  • To detect abnormal blood fat production in your brain
  • To identify blood vessels that have been damaged by accident
  • To find blood clots that could have formed in the veins in the leg and traveled to the lungs.
  • Diagnose a tumor that is fed by blood vessels

Information from CT angiography can help prevent stroke or heart attack. This type of test can also help your healthcare provider plan your cancer treatment or prepare for a kidney transplant. Your healthcare provider may have other reasons to order this test.

To know more varied details about this test, look for CT angiography near me centers, and find Star Imaging Diagnostic Center to know more.

What are the risks of computed tomography angiography?

There is always a small risk of cancer due to repeated exposure to radiation, but the benefits of obtaining an accurate diagnosis often outweigh the risks. The amount of radiation used in CT angiography is considered very small, so the risk of radiation exposure is low. No radiation will remain in your body after the CT scan is completed.

Other risks include:

Allergic reactions: Always inform your radiologist if you have a history of allergies or allergies to contrast material. The reactions to contrast are usually uncommon. If you have a history of allergic reactions, you may be given medication to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction before the test.

Tissue damage: If a large amount of contrast medium drips around your IV site, it can irritate your skin, as well as blood vessels and veins under the skin. It is important that you tell your radiologist or the technician performing the test that you experience pain when a contrast agent is injected into your IV.

 An angiographic contrast agent can damage the kidneys, so you cannot perform this test if you have severe kidney disease or diabetes.

 You should wait 24 hours after this test before breastfeeding your baby if you are breastfeeding. Talk to your doctor or radiologist if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant.

There may be additional risks, depending on your specific medical condition. Before testing, be sure to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider or radiology technician.

At Star Imaging Lab, you will be well-assisted by healthcare experts, and you will receive the best experience of CT angiography test in Delhi.

How do you prepare for CTA?

WARNING: If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, talk to your doctor before scheduling an examination. Other options will be discussed with you and your doctor.

CLOTHES: You may be asked to change into a patient gown. If so, you will get a hospital dress. A lock will be available to secure all personal belongings. Please remove all piercings and leave all jewelry and valuables at home. 

CONTRAST MEDIA: CT scans are usually performed with or without a contrast agent. Contrast agents improve the radiologist’s ability to detect abnormal structures.

  • Some patients do not need iodine-based contrast agents. If you have a problem with kidney function, please let the doctors know in advance. They may be able to perform a contrast-free scan or may find an alternative image study.
  • You will be asked to sign a consent form with details of the risks and side effects associated with injecting the contrast agent through an intravenous (IV) line (a small tube inserted into a vein).

ALLERGY: If you have an allergic reaction to any contrast agent, notify your access center representative when planning a CT scan. The IV contrast agent should not be used if you have had a severe or anaphylactic reaction to any contrast agent in the past. Mild to moderate reactions require a plan that includes pre-CT treatment. These plans will be discussed with you in detail when planning the exam. Your personal physician should discuss all known reactions to the contrast agent.

EAT / DRINK: If your study was ordered without contrast material, you can eat, drink and take prescribed medications for the test. If your doctor orders a CT scan with contrast, do not eat for three hours before the CT scan. It is highly recommended to drink clean fluids. You can also take prescribed medications for the exam. If you are undergoing breast CTA, do not drink coffee or exercise for three hours before the test.

DIABETES: Diabetics should eat a small breakfast or lunch three hours before the time of the examination. Depending on your oral treatment for diabetes, you may be asked to stop treatment within 48 hours of the CT scan. Detailed instructions will be provided after the test.

 DRUGS: All patients can take the prescribed drugs as usual. Depending on your medical condition, your doctor may require another specific product.

 What will happen during the computed tomography angiography?

 You may have performed this test in a hospital or other outpatient setting. A CT scanner is a large machine with a tunnel that enters and exits the examination table. Tests may vary depending on your condition and your healthcare provider’s procedures. 

 What can occur during the test:

  • You will be asked to sit on the test table assisted by the lab technician helping you positioned in the required angels.
  • An IV line is placed on the hand or arm.
  • When injecting a contrast agent, you may feel a warm feeling, and you may feel a metallic taste for a short time.
  • The radiologist leaves the room before the examination table passes the scanner. The technician will be able to watch you through the window in the next room and even talk to you about the intercom. Scanning is painless. You may hear clicks, circles, and hums as the scanner revolves around you.
  • You may be asked to hold your breath while scanning.
  • Depending on which part of the body is damaged, the test can take approximately 20 minutes to an hour or more. You may have to wait a little longer before the technician scans the image checks to make sure they are acceptable. 

 What happens after computed tomography angiography?

 After the test, you will have your IV removed. In most cases, you can return home to all your normal activities. After the test, you may receive additional instructions depending on your specific situation.


CT angiography heart cost in Delhi at Star Imaging is affordable to your pockets. Generally, the average cost of a CT angiography test in India is approximately Rs. 35,000. However, the prices may vary depending upon the hospitals in different locations.

Connect with the Star Imaging experts to enquire more on CT coronary angiography price, and other test-related queries.



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