Drawing beautiful flowers - a step-by-step guide

Drawing beautiful flowers – a step-by-step guide

Undoubtedly, flowers bring immense color and beauty to the world. It is difficult to see a beautiful, fragrant flower and there is no one in it. Also, read pencil drawing ideas

Flower Drawing Step 1

For your first step in this guide on how to draw a flower, you first need to draw in a small circle. If you can free up a perfect circle that will work perfectly, but you can also use a drawing compass for a perfect circle. If you do not have a drawing compass, you can use a small, round object, such as a thick pen cap, to draw around. For this step, you can draw this circle with a pen or black pencil, as it will be in the last picture.

Step 2 – Pull in the first two petals.

Now that you have the centerpiece of your flower drawing, it’s time to draw the first petals! To do this, draw two curves that are thick at the bottom and meet at a thin end. For this step, try pulling in two petals as shown in the reference. It can be a bit of a hassle, so use a light pencil to draw these petals and then go over them with a pen or a deep pencil when you’re happy with them.

Step 3 – Next, pull in two more petals.

You’ve pulled your first two petals, so now that you’re sure it’s time to add the next two petals. For this step, just pull two more petals in exactly the same way you did before.

Step 4 – Now drag to the next petal.

To learn how to pull a flower, step 4, you will add another petal to the top of the flower. This petal will be a little thinner and slightly different in shape from the others, so if you are having a hard time with it, be sure to refer to the reference picture.

Step 5 – Next you will add another petal.

We will add one of the final petals to your floral drawing for step 5, so just draw another petal as shown in the reference picture. As you can see, your floral drawing is really starting to take shape!To get started, you can draw in the veins of the leaves using thin lines. You can refer to the picture of the references to get an idea of ​​what these veins should look like! You can then add some lines to the petals that extend from the center of the flower to make the petals look lighter.

Step 6 – Add the last petal.

You’ve almost completed the main part of your floral drawing, so for this step you only need to add the last petal. It should be slightly thinner and sharper as you can see in the reference picture. The size of the petals should generally be the same with both length and width if you have followed the guide.

Step 7 – Now pull the stems and leaves.

For this next step of learning how to draw a flower, there are some difficult aspects, so the reference picture will be very useful! I would also recommend using a light pencil for this step before moving on to the pen. To get started, draw two curved lines running between the two lowest petals as you can see in the picture. They should be very close to each other and join in the end. Once you have done this, draw two curved lines coming out of the stem and then draw together into a leaf shape. Reference image should be very useful for this! Once you pull it out, just pull another leaf to the other side.

Step 8 – Add final details.

Your floral drawing is almost complete! For this step, we will add some details in your floral drawing. To get started, you can draw in the veins of the leaves using thin lines. You can refer to the picture of the references to get an idea of ​​what these veins should look like! You can then add some lines to the petals that extend from the center of the flower to make the petals look lighter. Finally, you can add some small curved lines to the center of the flower to give it a more textured shape. There are more short lines that you can add for some extra small details.

Step 9 – Finish it off with some color.

Now that you have finished drawing your beautiful flowers, all you need is one thing: some beautiful colors! This is a step where you must let your imagination run wild. We have an example of how you can color it, but you should use whatever color you like to bring your floral drawing to life! You can also experiment with different art mediums like paint, water color, color PE.



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