Many parents worry about their childs language development. It is a vital part of child development.
Language has always fascinated people. Where does it come from, what its structure, why such diversity? Herodotus, in the 5th century BC, tells the story of Prince Psammitichus, who wanted to know what was the original language: he ordered that two children be brought up without their speaking to see what language they start speaking “spontaneously. ” These days, of course, we don’t do such “experiments” anymore! And yet, to study the learning of language, it is necessary to be able to explore what goes on in the heads of very young babies: before the age of one year, babies have already learned the sounds of their mother tongue, at three years they became extremely proficient speakers. How do they do?
In this article, we will review facts supporting the hypothesis that the ability to learn a language is a characteristic that is part of the genetic makeup of the human species. Indeed, while the language itself is not innate (indeed, the children in Herodotus’ story did not begin to speak), the ability to learn a language is. Then, we will illustrate how experimental research advances our knowledge of language acquisition because we can also carry out perfectly ethical experiments!
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How Do Babies Communicate?
Before they can even speak, young children are very good at expressing their needs—whether by crying to show they are hungry, cooing when they are happy, turning their head away when given food they don’t like, or pointing to a toy they want. These early sounds and gestures are simple forms of communication that lay the groundwork for the more prosperous, language-based communication that will come later.
Like adults learning a foreign language, young children usually understand more than they speak. Child development specialists differentiate between what children can understand (called “receptive language”) and what they can say (called “expressive language”). It’s easy to know what your child can say: listen. But how do you know what your child can understand? You can observe his reactions to what you say.
When Will Your Baby Learn His Name?
Many children recognize their names between four and eight months. You can tell if your child recognizes him by calling his name and seeing if he turns to you. But make sure he turns around because he recognized his name and not because of the sound of your voice.
At What Age Will My Baby Say His First Words?
Shortly after their first birthday, children begin to speak their first words. But by 20 months, many children are learning up to 9 new terms a day—that’s over 250 words a month! And when they are two years old, children move on to a new stage: they start combining words to form two-word “sentences,” such as “a plus lait” (which means “I’ve finished my milk” or “I spilled my glass of milk on my high chair”).
It is difficult to speak of a specific age at which each child should have reached this or that stage of language learning. However, the primary language learning milestones will be reached around the same time for most children, with a difference of about two months or so. If you have questions about your child’s language development, be sure to talk to their doctor.
List Related To Language Development:
9 Months :
· Does he turn when I gently call him by his first name?
· Does he chirp, like “ma-ma”, “pa-pa” or “ba-ba”?
12 Months :
· Does he say at least one word?
18 Months
· Does he say several words?
Two Years
· Does he recognize the names of familiar people, objects, and body parts?
· Does it designate an object or a photo when we pronounce their name?
· Does he repeat the words heard during a conversation?
· Does he say “sentences” of two words?
· Does he follow simple instructions?
Please help your child develop their language.
1 . Start Early
From birth, you can talk, sing and read stories to your child to help them embark on the journey of learning. Try talking or singing to her during meals, baths, and even diaper changes. It’s important to him and fun for both of you. Tell him about the story and comment on the illustrations when you read him a book.
2 . Talking With—Not To—Your Child
Although your child is still in the tweeting stage, you can already maintain “conversations.” Treat your child’s twittering as language and respond with actual words as if you understand what he’s saying (even if you don’t), and let him “respond” by twittering. It may seem like silly game, but it will help your child understand how a conversation is going and wait their turn before speaking and listening.
3 . Play The Name Game
You can help your child to learn new words by using the names of your child’s favorite objects in your conversations: “Here’s the ball” or “Yummy cereal.” When your child becomes familiar with a word, you can check that he understands it by asking him, “Where’s the ball?” and letting him respond to you by pointing to the ball. Or when he is older and knows how to say the word, you can ask him “What is that?” and let him say “Balloon!”
4 . Build and Expand
When your child uses one- or two-word sentences, expand on the meaning in your response. For example, if he says “No duck,” answer him “You don’t want the duck?” (or in a different context: “Can’t you find the duck?”). In this way, on one hand, you confirm that you have understood what he meant, and on the other hand, you present him with the structure of the complete sentence.
You need to remember that language development usually comes from the activities you do with your child every day.
Take the opportunity to talk, read, sing and play with your child. This will allow him to learn and strengthen your emotional bond.