Chaturanga Dandasana Method, Benefits and Precautions

Chaturanga Dandasana –

Today we will try to give you detailed information about Chaturanga Dandasana. It is said about Chaturanga Dandasana that doing this asana benefits our body in many ways.

Chaturanga Dandasana is a very beneficial and very easy to do asana. Which any person can do easily. It helps in making our buds strong and flexible.

What is Chaturanga Dandasana? 

Chaturanga Dandasana is a Sanskrit word. Chatur means four and the remaining word is an organ. In English, this posture is called Four-Limbed Staff Pose. Apart from this, this posture is known by many other names. Chaturanga Dandasana Yoga looks like a pushup exercise, but there is a lot of difference between the two.

This asana helps in forming your body properly. Chaturanga Dandasana strengthens the spine. In this asana, the entire weight of your body is on both your hands and feet. Due to this, your hands become very strong.

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Method of doing Chaturanga Dandasana –

  • Before doing Chaturanga Dandasana, lay down on a carpet and lie on your stomach on it. In this posture, keep both the hands like Bhujangasana. Keep both hands forward on the ground, so that the fingers are in front.
  • Keep the toes of both your feet straight on the ground in such a way that the weight of the body can be lifted on them. And now while putting emphasis on the toes, slowly try to raise both your knees.
  • Taking the breath in, lift the weight of the body on both hands. Make a 90-degree angle at the elbow between the upper and lower part of the hand. Your whole Sharif will come parallel to the floor. And in this position, your body will be completely up.
  • And both the hands and toes will remain on the ground. On these, the entire part of your body will remain. You do this asana for 15 to 20 seconds. While exhaling, slowly come back to your starting position.

Benefits of Chaturanga Dandasana –

  • There are lots of health benefits of doing this asana. When you do Chaturanga Dandasana, the entire weight of your body falls on your hands and wrists, which helps to strengthen them.
  • Chaturanga Dandasana strengthens the muscles of the shoulders, back, and legs. And people who work sitting for a long time often have pain in their back and shoulders. This asana is an option in addition to medicines for this pain.
  • By doing this asana, you can get rid of this type of problem. If you ever fall and get hurt, it is important to keep your body stable.  And due to the flexibility in the body, there is less damage to your body and the feeling of pain is also less.
  • Like whenever a small child falls, he feels less injury and pain is also less. Because children have a lot of flexibility in their bodies. This asana can do double work on your body, making your body more flexible. This asana can be beneficial for those who want to do yoga and have just started yoga.
  • This asana will prepare you to do some advanced yoga asanas to come and will help you in doing yoga further. This asana strengthens your muscles. This asana helps in establishing coordination between the mind and muscles of the person.
  • This teaches us to distribute the proper load in our hands and feet. Strengthens the spinal muscles. By doing this asana, the abs of the stomach. They are tight too. This keeps our bodies healthy.

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Correct way to do Chaturanga Dandasana:

Everyone wants to do this asana after knowing about its benefits. Below are some steps to do this asana correctly, following which you can easily do this asana.

Time to do Chaturanga Dandasana:

Each asana has its own time and its own way of practicing it. If you practice asanas at the right time and in the right way, then you get much more and quicker benefits from it. Therefore, it is advisable to do any asana at the right time. You should do this asana on an empty stomach in the morning. This asana should not be practiced after eating food.

Things to keep in mind before doing Chaturanga Dandasana:

Be careful not to raise your hips too much for Chaturanga Dandasana. More power is required to perform this asana. So try to do it comfortably and save yourself from getting hurt. In the beginning, you should practice Adha Chaturanga Dandasana or Plank Pose.

Do this asana before doing Chaturanga Dandasana:

  • Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose
  • Urdhva Mukha Svanasana 
  • And Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-Facing Dog Pose

Do this asana after doing Chaturanga Dandasana:

  • Urdhva Mukha Svanasana 
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana 

Care should be taken while doing Chaturanga Dandasana –

Before doing this asana, it is very important to keep some things in mind.  So that the damage caused by this posture can be avoided. Below they are explained in detail.

  • Be careful not to raise your hips too much for Chaturanga Dandasana.
  • More strength is required to perform this asana. So try to do it comfortably.
  • Avoid getting hurt.  And if you have pain in your shoulder, wrist, or back, then you should not do this asana.
  • Do not do this asana during pregnancy. And if there is any pain in the elbow, then do not do this asana.
  • If you are troubled by a problem like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, then you should not do this asana.
  • If you have any pain in your elbow, then you should not do this asana.
  • Do not practice it if you have severe pain in the stomach.
  • If there is a pain in the backbone, do not study it.
  • Practice this on the advice of a yoga expert doctor.
  • Practice it according to your physical ability.


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