iphone cases
iphone cases

Well, are you like me? Do you have a smartphone that bothers you the most? Do you secretly consider your phone to be your best friend in the world? Would you cry if something bad happened to your phone? If so, join a friend. (Pssst. I’m having nightmares when I drop my phone in the water and sadly the shark eats it!) Do you have a stomach ache like that, is it also destructive? Stop, what? No shark? Okay, maybe I’m just crazy! In any case, here are 9 reasons why you should use cases!

  1. A terrible shock! : Let’s face it, no matter how careful you are, you may drop your phone once or twice a month (10 times once if you’re like me!). Charges can give you all the protection you need to make a call! With the phone key, your phone does not always have to fight gravity.
  2. Stop, what? You didn’t buy insurance?: You have 50 big phones but no insurance? You little daredevil! Well, don’t worry about it; you belong to the fearless people of the world. But putting a case on your smartphone makes sense while letting you not panic. Smartphone cases provide excellent protection and are a cheap way to use your gadget for a long time, especially since you don’t have to get another new one every time you get a new phone. your insurance policy!
  3. Water is friendly: We take our phones with us everywhere. Actually. Like the bathroom, the parties are crazy. If you ask me I’d rather go swimming with my phone than with a boy. Well, if so, take a waterproof case and take your phone to the swimming pool so you don’t lose your phone too much. Well, you may not be able to take your gadget under water, but you may not be worried or upset!
  4. Arguing, that evil is important! : The problem with clean, decorated smartphones is that they are very slippery. Well, your smart, attractive phone can be easily handled with rubber phone cases. A good case can add a little grip so it doesn’t slip off your hand and is on the way.
  5. Older phones !: You may think it is unreasonable to spend a lot of money on phones that are probably for a group of adults! Well, here’s where you’re wrong. Your phone is for you. It may contain relevant data that you cannot lose. So, do not take risks, get a damn phone case already! Also, if you are shy with your older phone, shake it using bling phone cases!
  6. Exaggeration and sarcasm: Phone charges are not just about protecting your phones. It’s your picture! So, take a chic phone case from the thousands available or customize it to enhance your little touch.
  7. Resale: There are times when we want to jump on the latest trends and grab a new phone from the shelf. If you want to sell an old phone instead of keeping it, phone issues are the way to go. The phone case reduces the chances of scratching to maintain the integrity of your old phone and by increasing its sales value!
  8. Save every piece of your phone: Stories are not good at just protecting the weak part of your phone, the screen. They monitor the entire phone and are very important as electrical components inside. Even if you don’t care about the occasional scratch or crack in the back, there is more to your phone than that. Some phones have a rear-facing camera lens, causing more scratches and other damage such as cracking of the lens. To put it bluntly, it would trigger some bad selfies. Dropping can damage other buttons on your phone causing more trouble than reading messages on a broken screen.
  9. Weight Loss: No, no I’m not talking about you gaining weight but your rail-thin phone certainly should. Let’s be honest, you can really make your phone anti-theft just by adding a little more. You will definitely feel the absence of your phone if someone pulled it out of your pocket or bag. You can also make it more durable by adding a case to keep your phone from bending or breaking under pressure.

For more scary phone stories visit https://forwardvia.com. They have one of the coolest collections of mobile phones, magi, and sippers.



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